Monday, April 18, 2011

Context Clues

We have learned several ways to find the meaning of unknown words in sentences and text. What is your favorite way to find the meaning of unknown words and why? Do you have any other secret strategy you use that can be shared with the class?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Three Step Word Problems

How can you use what you know about solving addition problems to complete a three step word problem?

On Tuesday, Amanda had 178 marbles in her jar. Her dad gave her 97 more. On Saturday, Amanda went to the store and bought a bag of 170 marbles. How many marbles does she have now?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Character Development

Ever wonder why an author chose to use a specific character? Understanding who a character is and their importance in a story is key to comprehending the text. Click on the link Dona Flor to get to know her a bit better.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prediction Reading Strategy

As a group, come up with one prediction about the book up front. Don't forget to look at the front cover, back cover, read the first page, and do a picture walk.